Arranmore Ferry

Booking A Ticket on the Arranmore Ferry App

We wanted to run you through the process of booking a ticket - to show you how easy it is but mainly to show off all the best parts of the app for booking a ticket.

Step 1 of the Arranmore Ferry booking process

The first step is to decide on a one way or return ticket to Arranmore Island or Burtonport. Tapping the journey or ticket type will toggle and make the rest of the form change for you. You can then select your dates for the trip - if you click the date, you'll can choose one date, or two dates for a return

Step 2 - Arranmore Ferry Times

Second step is to check the times for your ferries - we'll let you know the latest changes to ferries for the date you've picked and if there's only a few spaces left.

Select Passengers for the Arranmore Ferry

The passengers for your trip can be added by clicking the passengers button and a menu will pop up - add the number of tickets you want (the price will be calculated for you to see) and then select done. Once you've ready - click to continue to the next step

PS Arranmore Ferry needs to check the details

Before you book - we always double check your details - just so, if there are any changes - we can contact you and let you know. It's also good for us to have your car details so we can fit you on the boat!

Step 4 - Adding a card for the Arranmore Ferry

Add a new card or used a saved card to speed up the process. We hope you like the animation for adding a card!

Confirm your Arranmore Ferry ticket

Let the confetti fly! 🎉 🎉

Once you've bought your ticket you'll get an email and you'll get a pop of confetti on screen. You can view your passes on the tickets page - make sure you have your ticket ready for the crossing.

Any changes to your tickets and you'll get a notification and email about what's happening - see our post about notifications for more info too.

Download The Arranmore Ferry App

Download the app - our app works on Android and iOS and can be downloaded right now on Google Play and the App Store

The Arranmore Ferry on Android's Google Play

The Arranmore Ferry on Apple's App Store

The Arranmore Ferry Mobile App



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Arranmore Ferry

The Blue Ferry sailing between Arranmore Island and Burtonport

Blue Ferry Office, Burtonport Pier, Co. Donegal, F94 C449


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