Arranmore Ferry

Updating Your Arranmore Ferry Account

Inside our app you can update your details any time - this will help us keep your tickets organised and make sure that it'faster to book your tickets for next time.

Make sure your on the latest version of the Arranmore Ferry app - the following screens will only be available on version 2.1.1 and above

Updating Your Arranmore Account

Updating Your Arranmore Ferry Account

We've made it as simple as possible to update your account. If we need more info from you - you'll see this red button once you've created your account.

If you don't see this red button, you don't have to update any details - you're all set.

Arranmore Ferry App screen for more info

You'll get a pop up on screen that asks you to fill in your details and they'll get saved instantly to our system so that we can contact you if there are any changes to your ferries / times.

You can make changes to your Arranmore Ferry account at any time

If you need to make any changes to your account, you got a new car or new number - you can click the edit button at any time.

PS We'll always check for tickets

Don't worry if you miss any details - we'll always double check when you're booking your tickets. We'll fill these details in for you but if you're booking for someone else, for example, you can change the details at any time.

Let us know what you think - we're always keen to update the app and make sure that it's easy and quick for you to contact us.

Your Arranmore Ferry team.



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Arranmore Ferry

The Blue Ferry sailing between Arranmore Island and Burtonport

Blue Ferry Office, Burtonport Pier, Co. Donegal, F94 C449


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